Franz Jakubowski
Ideology and Superstructure in Historical Materialism
A Persian translation of Franz Jakubowski's book.
Ideology and Superstructure in Historical Materialism
A Persian translation of Franz Jakubowski's book.

Franz Jakubowsky
Being and Consciousness
First chapter from Ideology and Superstructure in Historical Materialism by Franz Jakubowsky, translated by Anne Booth, Allison and Busby 1976
Being and Consciousness
First chapter from Ideology and Superstructure in Historical Materialism by Franz Jakubowsky, translated by Anne Booth, Allison and Busby 1976

Marcello Musto
On the History of the 1st International
May 2015
Persian translation of the introduction by Marcello Musto on the history of the 1st International - translation by Ramin Javan
On the History of the 1st International
May 2015
Persian translation of the introduction by Marcello Musto on the history of the 1st International - translation by Ramin Javan

Foroogh Asadpoor
Intellectuals and (anti) Hegemonic Projects
June 2014
A review of Hayek theories and Iranian neo-liberals - Praxis Publications
Intellectuals and (anti) Hegemonic Projects
June 2014
A review of Hayek theories and Iranian neo-liberals - Praxis Publications

Vazir Fathi
The Idealist - Political Prisoners of the 80s
The Idealist - Political Prisoners of the 80s - from Process Publication
The Idealist - Political Prisoners of the 80s
The Idealist - Political Prisoners of the 80s - from Process Publication

Michael Lowy, Olivier Besancenot
Che Guevara - His revolutionary Legacy
July 2012
Translation by Nikoo Poorvarzan - Alternative Publications
Che Guevara - His revolutionary Legacy
July 2012
Translation by Nikoo Poorvarzan - Alternative Publications

Istvan Meszaros
Socialism or Barbarism
From the "American Century" to the Crossroads - Monthly Review Press
Socialism or Barbarism
From the "American Century" to the Crossroads - Monthly Review Press

Ernest Mandel
Trotsky’s Conception of Self-organisation and the Vanguard Party
Nov 1989
Revised version of a paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki – Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal 26-29 March 1990.
Trotsky’s Conception of Self-organisation and the Vanguard Party
Nov 1989
Revised version of a paper submitted to the Internationales Symposium Leo Trotzki – Kritiker und Verteidiger der Sowjetgesellschaft, Wuppertal 26-29 March 1990.

Hiroshi Uchida
Marx’s Grundrisse and Hegel’s Logic
Preface, Chapter 1 and excerpts from Marxist Internet Archive
Marx’s Grundrisse and Hegel’s Logic
Preface, Chapter 1 and excerpts from Marxist Internet Archive

Hal Draper
The Dictatorship of Proletariat in Marx and Engels
First chapter of The Dictatorship of Proletariat from Marx to Lenin
The Dictatorship of Proletariat in Marx and Engels
First chapter of The Dictatorship of Proletariat from Marx to Lenin

Socialist Workers Party
revolution2 and Counter-revolution2 in Kurdistan
December 1979
revolution2 and Counter-revolution2 in Kurdistan - A Socialist Workers Party pamphlet
revolution2 and Counter-revolution2 in Kurdistan
December 1979
revolution2 and Counter-revolution2 in Kurdistan - A Socialist Workers Party pamphlet

Erich Fromm
Marx's Concept of Man
First published: Frederick Ungar Publishing: New York, 1961 - Transcribed: by Sam Berner
Marx's Concept of Man
First published: Frederick Ungar Publishing: New York, 1961 - Transcribed: by Sam Berner

Amir Parviz Pooyan
Reading with a Bloody Throat
June 2012
Works of Amir Parviz Pooyan - Alternative Publication
Reading with a Bloody Throat
June 2012
Works of Amir Parviz Pooyan - Alternative Publication

Rosa Luxemburg
The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions
From Essential Rosa Luxemburg by Helen Scott, Haymarket Books
The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions
From Essential Rosa Luxemburg by Helen Scott, Haymarket Books

The Condition of the Working Class in England
Transcribed and HTML mark-up for MEIA by Tim Delaney in 1998.
The Condition of the Working Class in England
Transcribed and HTML mark-up for MEIA by Tim Delaney in 1998.