Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx's Method - Bertell Ollman
Book review from the Praxis site
Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx's Method - Bertell Ollman
Book review from the Praxis site

Mike Macnair
The Communist Hypothesis - Alain Badiou
Maoism with pretensions - Mike Macnair reviews: Alain Badiou's 'The communist hypothesis'
The Communist Hypothesis - Alain Badiou
Maoism with pretensions - Mike Macnair reviews: Alain Badiou's 'The communist hypothesis'

Foroogh Asadpoor
revolutionary Subject
April 2010
A review of Beyond Capital by Michael Lebowitz - Bidar Publications
revolutionary Subject
April 2010
A review of Beyond Capital by Michael Lebowitz - Bidar Publications

Torab Saleth
Terrorism and Communism - Zizek Introduction
February 2009
A review of Slavoj Zizek's introduction to a new edition of Terrorism and Communism by Trotsky
Terrorism and Communism - Zizek Introduction
February 2009
A review of Slavoj Zizek's introduction to a new edition of Terrorism and Communism by Trotsky

John Lea
Socialism or Barbarism - Istvan Meszaros
January 2002
Review of Istvan Meszaros on Socialism or Barbarism - Monthly Review Press
Socialism or Barbarism - Istvan Meszaros
January 2002
Review of Istvan Meszaros on Socialism or Barbarism - Monthly Review Press